Bristol & District Lady Golfers' Alliance

With the inspired foresight of Burnham and Berrow and Bristol and Clifton, together with the very hard work of Miss Watson Williams (later to be Mrs. Ruth Dickinson) and the help of Mrs. Gardiner, Mrs. Mercia Castle and Miss Gertrude Johnson, the Bristol and District Lady Golfers' Alliance was first established. However, it is a little uncertain when in fact the Alliance was first established, but it is felt that an Alliance was first thought of in 1929 and came into existence in 1930, as the Challenge Shield was first played for in 1930 and has been played for since with a gap of 12 years from 1939 to 1950.
During the war it was not possible to travel on account of petrol rationing and the Alliance was temporarily discontinued. Once peace was declared there was a meeting in a café in Bristol and the Alliance arose from the ashes once more, with Mrs. Castle being at the head of affairs and Peggy Reece being elected as Secretary. Mrs. Castle was Chairman for 20 years and in that time only missed one AGM - she was Lord Mayor of Bristol.
The Alliance started with two Divisions. Members wished to have 3 divisions and this was tried for a year "with disastrous results"! In fact between 1956 and 1979, after which Minutes became very unclear - this subject was discussed 7 times. At the present time we have 5 Divisions, 24 Clubs and 35 teams - quite an achievement.
The Alliance flourished with very little fuss and always on a shoestring, in 1956 the loss on the year was £1.10.9d and the annual subscription of the 12 clubs was 10/-(shillings) out of which £4 was spent on prizes. In 1963 the subscription was increased to 15/- per club. In 1979, as expenditure exceeded income, members agreed to increase the subscriptions of the 14 clubs to £3 per annum.
Esme Trill, as she was then, the donor the of the Trill Cup, was Hon. Treasurer for 35 years, missing only one meeting, which was the day of her wedding.
In the early 1980s the Alliance was faced with the same dilemma that we have today - should the Alliance be enlarged to include new Clubs wanting to join. Taunton Pickeridge was refused because the 60-mile journey was out of the question, also Enmore Park Golf Club who has tried to join the Alliance, was refused several times in the early days.
In 1981 Beverley New proposed that a 36 holes Scratch Championship should be tried and this Championship took place in 1982, being sponsored by Harpers Furnishings' and over the years many well known ladies have competed. Laura Davies at 18 won this competition with a record score at Lansdown.
At this time the Alliance was one of the three oldest Alliances in the Country - a great record.
History of the Trophies
If you re interested in the history of our silverware, please click here to see who gave each one, and when.